Penile Implant Surgery FAQ: Understanding the Procedure and Aftercare

At Urology Surgery Center , we understand that making the decision to undergo penile implant surgery is significant. It's a choice that demands clarity, confidence, and comfort. That's why our team, including esteemed Dean Knoll , is dedicated to equipping you with comprehensive knowledge. Knowledge is power, especially when it concerns your health and wellness. Our goal is to ensure you have access to all necessary information for informed consent and peace of mind. Should you have any queries or wish to schedule an appointment with us, we're just a call away at (615) 250-9200 .

Penile implant surgery is a medical procedure to help men with erectile dysfunction (ED). It involves placing a device inside the penis, which enables men to achieve an erection. It's considered when other treatments for ED have been unsuccessful. Our skilled surgeon, Dean Knoll , is proficient at performing this life-changing surgery.

This solution is discreet, typically undetectable under clothing, granting the user a natural and spontaneous sexual experience. Rest assured, we take every step to ensure your safety and satisfaction throughout the process.

It's not uncommon to stumble upon misinformation about penile implants. One common fallacy is that they can affect libido or sensation this is untrue. Penile implants do not interfere with these aspects of sexual function. The goal of the surgery is to restore the mechanics of erection, not your sexual desires or feelings.

An implant will not make your penis larger than it was before, nor will it affect ejaculation or climax. Our patient education is here to bust such myths and lay out the facts.

Wondering if you're a candidate for this procedure? Patients with erectile dysfunction who have not found adequate results from other treatments are often eligible. Suitability is also dependent on your overall health, and certain medical conditions might affect your eligibility. Our team is equipped to discuss all these factors during your consultation.

It's essential to have realistic expectations and to understand all the possible outcomes of the surgery. Dean Knoll will take the time to walk you through everything you need to know to make an informed decision.

  • The impact of penile implants on your sexual function
  • How to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure
  • The importance of a thorough pre-surgical evaluation

This surgery typically involves a small incision and placement of the implant inside your penis. The two main types of implants are inflatable and malleable (semi-rigid). Both types aim to mimic the appearance and function of a natural erection. Urology Surgery Center offers these latest options, ensuring state-of-the-art treatment.

Recovery time varies but expect to resume your normal routine within a few weeks. You can be assured that our medical staff will guide you through each step of preparation and recovery.

One frequently asked question concerns the implant's life span. Generally, high-quality penile implants are durable and designed to last for many years. On average, implants can function optimally for 10 to 15 years, after which they may need to be replaced.

Maintenance and care are minimal, but regular check-ups with your doctor are crucial to ensure your implant remains in perfect working order. Our dedicated professionals are always here to support your long-term health.

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. Infection, although rare, is the most significant risk related to penile implant surgery. At Urology Surgery Center , we employ rigorous sterility protocols and use the latest techniques to minimize this risk.

Most patients fully recover within 4 to 6 weeks post-surgery. During recovery, you may notice bruising or discomfort, which typically resolves on its own. Our team provides detailed instructions and support to ensure a smooth recovery period.

  • Guidelines for post-surgical care to promote swift healing
  • How to recognize and report any signs of complications promptly
  • Support resources available through our practice

We pride ourselves on our personalized approach to patient care. You're not just a number when you're with us - you're a valued member of the Urology Surgery Center family. From your initial consultation through to your post-op care, you will receive attentive and compassionate assistance.

To us, before and after surgery care is a cornerstone of successful outcomes. We'll set you up with all you need to know to prepare for surgery, and after, to recover with ease. Your comfort and well-being are at the forefront of our mission.

They say that knowledge is best served directly from the source, and Urology Surgery Center ensures you get this opportunity. Dean Knoll offers detailed consultations allowing you to voice all your questions and concerns. By providing personalized responses, we prepare you thoroughly for the journey ahead.

Whether you're curious about the technicalities of the surgery or want to discuss your personal expectations, Dean Knoll will address each question with patience and expertise.

We believe financial worries should not stand in the way of your health solutions. As such, our administrative team will work with you to navigate insurance coverage and discuss potential financing options. We're here to make the process as seamless as possible, ensuring that you can focus on what matters most - your recovery and results.

If you have concerns about costs, don't hesitate to reach out. We are more than ready to discuss how we can make this process financially manageable for you, no surprises involved. Just give us a ring at (615) 250-9200 .

  • Understanding insurance coverage for your procedure
  • Available financing options
  • How we assist in making the surgery affordable

Ready to take control of your sexual health and well-being? The first step is to book a personal consultation with us. During your appointment, Dean Knoll will conduct a thorough evaluation, answer your questions, and discuss the best options tailored to you.

To schedule your visit, simply give our caring and professional team a call at (615) 250-9200 . We would be honored to help guide your choices and facilitate your journey to improved intimacy and quality of life.

When you arrive for your consultation, expect a caring environment, where discretion and respect are a priority. We'll cover all aspects of the procedure, discuss your medical history, and consider your personal concerns. It's vital to us that you feel heard and understood.

Our thorough approach ensures that by the end of your visit, all bases are covered, and the foundation for your informed consent and peace of mind is set solidly in place.

At Urology Surgery Center , our relationship with you doesn't end after surgery. Continued care and follow-ups are part of our signature service. We'll schedule post-operative check-ins to monitor your healing, function, and satisfaction with the results. Your ongoing comfort and well-being are always our top priorities.

Expect us to be with you every step of the way - before, during, and long after your procedure. Ongoing support is a promise we deliver on relentlessly.

  • You can reach us for questions or to book an appointment at (615) 250-9200
  • Your health journey is continuously supported by our team
  • We celebrate your milestones and successes alongside you

Deciding to undergo penile implant surgery is not just about treating a medical condition; it's about reclaiming a vital aspect of your personal life. At Urology Surgery Center , we recognize that each patient's journey is unique. With Dean Knoll and our team's passion for patient education, we stand ready to empower you with a thorough FAQ on penile implant surgery.

Our approach to enlightening patients like you about this life-changing procedure ensures that every individual we serve has the knowledge they need to make the right choice for themselves. Your peace of mind is paramount to us, and through our comprehensive FAQ, we strive to provide that for you.

If you're contemplating penile implant surgery, we invite you to reach out. We're here to answer your questions, alleviate your concerns, and support you in making an informed decision. It's not just about booking an appointment; it's about embarking on a path to renewed confidence and wellness. Start your journey today with Urology Surgery Center by calling us at (615) 250-9200 . Your well-being is our ultimate commitment.